Thursday, March 27, 2008

What God taught me through the trees

When I woke up to the winter wonderland outside I knew God wanted to show me more about spiritual seasons. After coming out of a very long and hard winter I am appreciating every insight He gives me. Today my Father pointed out the trees to me. He showed me the evergreens that have stayed green all winter long and showed me where I remain green - belief that He is God and is all powerful, ruling over all. Then He caught my attention with the dead tree outside my bedroom window showing me how many of my beliefs were tested during this winter - If He is so good why did I hurt so bad? Where was He in the midst of my pain? If He loved me why didn't He stop it? and Why did He let me come so close to the edge? I thought things looked pretty bad for the dead trees far outnumbered the evergreens. But then a picture of my favorite tree (the ones that are already blossoming with pink and white flowers) came to mind and He assured me that I too am blossoming for I now know that yes, He truly loves me. That no matter how close to the edge I came I was always tethered to Him, my Rock. That He was well aware of my pain as He cried with me and that He held me close even when I struggled to get away. He even showed me a tree outside my living room window that's just beginning to bud - how I'm learning to accept the person He created me to be and how I was made for this active achievement oriented society even though I'm out of step with it. Some of my trees are still dormant but He assures me that these too will bud at their appointed time - how to use what I've learned to edify others. Some trees didn't survive the winter for they were not rooted in truth - "if I do ___ then God will have to do ___" for He will not be manipulated. And finally there are more trees being planted for there is more to learn about Him and about myself, new ways to experience His love, and more ways to express my love.

Oh, how I pray that through the spring, summer, and fall that these trees (truths) will sink their roots down deep into my heart that next winter there will be more evergreens for my Lord.

Trying Something New

Ok for the last couple of weeks I've been trying to figure out Facebook but it's not so easy. Then I noticed I can link my blog posts to Facebook! Much easier for me since I have been experimenting with blogs for over a year now. So this is my first try at linking and I hope it works. I hope to share more interesting stuff once I get the kinks worked out.